Sea and Light
by César Romero
Launched during a live on instagram @caiquecostaphoto in Salvador, the photobook Mar de Memórias by the Bahian visual artist Caíque Costa, has 38 pages, with texts and photos of the author, printed on 150 g offset paper and a flexible cover on 180 g offset paper. The book was printed in Curitiba, by the publisher Artisan Raw Books.
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Due to a pandemic in which we are immersed, the book was released live, when the artist interacted with the public, talking about details of the project and discussing contemporary photography. Caíque Costa is a visual artist, graduated from the Interdisciplinary Bachelor's Degree at UFBA.
We are a family owned and operated business.
He has been photographing since 2015. He presented an exhibition E Todo Caminho Deu no Mar, in 2018, at the Palacete das Artes, in Graça. The live was attended by Edgard Oliva, visual artist, doctor in the area of theoretical concentration and art experimentation by the Escola de UFRJ Fine Arts. Oliva is a professor of photography at the School of Fine Arts at UFBA, curator and has exhibited his works in several Brazilian states and in other countries.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Photography is drawing with lights and Caíque fulfills his role with great efficiency, through the aesthetics that refers to impressionist painting. There is an excess of blur in his works, blurred images from memory.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Memory is the ability to store information. And recovered when we try to remember them. The purpose is to save information. The photobook has 23 images and poetry about the sea. "There is a lighthouse, which guides us through life".
We are a family owned and operated business.
Every project in the book addresses the sea, its own and dreamed colors, all oscillations and stops. Most of the photos are abstract, the result of more sensorial research, free from the technical bonds of the devices. Sometimes they seem to be swept away by the winds, sometimes by a rhythmic graphics, when the memories of childhood go back, when the sea was a constant companion.
We are a family owned and operated business.
The artist achieves effects of rare beauty and inventiveness. They are images caused by light deviations, which fall on others causing inaccurate optical effects, resulting in unusual findings. Even with little time as a photographer, Caíque Costa is mature for the job. Endowed with great intuitive power, he faces the image knowing what he will seek.
We are a family owned and operated business.
The sea is a beaten theme, extremely explored, but the artist adds a little of his "I" in the subject, provoking new visual sensations, so that there is an exchange of meanings between the productions and the observer. Each image has several possibilities for interpretation, ranging from the viewer's involvement with the representations and their memories.

* César Romero is an artist, art critic and columnist for the newspaper Correio. Article published on November 23, 2020, in the Life Notebook, printed version.